Viva La Internet

September 3, 2012


The video “” talked about how the internet was slowly formed over time and this was really eye opening to me. I was unaware that the internet was formed through a series of countries having completely different intentions but all wanted to make communication easier in some way. The fact that the U.S. advanced the concept of a network like the internet because of Cold War is interesting as well as the fact that France had a major part in it because they experimented with it.

Things I learned in this video:

  1. The beginning of the internet started in 1957
  2. Sputnik was launched in 1957
  3. DARPA was instrumental in conceptualizing the internet
  4. Ther internet was created through a combination of the military, government, and commercial industries

Basic Technology

  • Url stands for “uniform resource locator”
  • HTML stands for ” HyperText Markup Language”

Those two bullet points are things that I did not know before reading the article about basic technologies behind the web. I have heard the terms before and probably even heard what they are abbreviated for but I always forget and it always interests me what they mean. To me, both URL and HTML don’t really make sense for what they are for but I suppose the definitions were created a long time ago. Besides that, I liked how the article pointed out the uniqueness of each website. I thought it was interesting that they pointed out how websites can constantly be changed unlike books. That’s an interesting concept to think about especially if you are of the belief that websites can constantly be changed for the better.

Well, I’m exhausted and this is how I feel right now.

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